- Worked with internal IT team to fill IT audit compliance gaps identified by external auditor
- Evaluated and prepared applications access management to streamline the access management process
- Proposed solution to securely application access and operations process
- Evaluated and finalized asset management tool to support 300+ locations
- Evaluated and proposed centralized notebooks management policy tool to support multiple OS platform
- Worked with IT team to improve IT infra. / ops efficiency
- Helped in hiring and building an IT team to support daily ops.
- Conducted internal IT Audit and fixed identified security gaps
- Implemented ISO IT policies
- Evaluated and set-up 350 agent call centres across India and overseas
- Supervised IT Infra /ops. for all offices in India / overseas
- Implemented cloud and end points-based security solutions
- Office relocated with “zero” downtime
- Improved network up-time by 22%
- Users satisfaction improved by 32%
- Improved employees productivity by 18%
- Covered all aspects of IT infrastructure, Blueprint, capacity planning, server procurement, availability and security
- Implemented secured data backup solution over cloud
- Stabilized IT ops at dark stores across Delhi NCR.
- Helped in hiring and building an IT team
- Streamlined daily IT ops with effective IT policies
- Streamlined IT asset and licenses management process
- Effective vendor management
- Effectively supervised IT ops.
- Helped become ISO 27001 certified implementing 32 IT policies
- Implemented data sharing process with no data leakage
- Implemented Active Directory domain environment to centrally manage endpoint devices
- Evaluated and implemented cost effective mobile device management tool
- Implemented IT asset lifecycle
- Evaluated and implemented centrally managed end user anti-virus solution
- Hired and built an IT team
- Daily IT infra. breakdown issues reduced by 18%
- Conducted IT risks assessment and fixed known security gaps
- Identified & fixed areas for data leakages
- Strengthen IT resources access management process
- Implemented IT security policies
- Calibrate Wi-Fi to support >1000 concurrent students in campus
- Implemented changes in IT Infra. setup for enhanced IT security, data protection & governance
- Implemented cloud and end points-based security solutions
- Designed & setup auto data backup process over cloud
- Improved Wi-Fi experience by 30%
- Improved Cyber Security & Data protection posture by 62%
- Conducted IT Audit and fixed identified security gaps
- Identified & fixed gaps for data leakages
- Setup Active Directory to manage notebooks with policy driven centralized approach
- Implemented IT security policies to support business needs
- Enhanced IT infra. & devices configurations for optimum results
- Improve data leakage protection by 73%
- Centralized portal to monitor & manage cyber threats
- Improved overall Cyber Security & Data protection posture by 70%
- Migrated live setup from Azure to Oracle (OCI)
- Implemented changes & processes to meet clients & IT compliance needs
- Designed and implemented ISO 27001 IT policies
- Implemented data sharing process with no data leakage
- Implemented vulnerability, change management process
- Successfully met clients, IT audit & compliance requirements
- Significant recurring cloud cost savings
- Much improved IT security posture to support business
- Secured IT infra. access with with visibility